When the very people famed for keeping us safe Mess Up
Une scandale de pompiers Françaises (ce post du blog vient d’une “revue de presse” pour mon cours a l’université: French Level 4 Horizons et il a un partie en Français, avec des reflections en anglais)
As citizens with expectations for the treatment, comportment, and services that we should receive from members of society who live to serve us, it can be easy to forget that firefighters, doctors, and other officials are simply humans who don a uniform and go to work. Generally, we assume they are selfless and impervious to the wrongdoings of lesser civil servants… in a perfect world this might be the case.
Unfortunately it is not only France that must take legal action against their own elite forces. Police in America, armed forces all around the world, malpractice suits against surgeons, and firefighters or emergency response workers accused of rape and assault are all a reality.
Fear of colouring the collective perception of these forces in the eyes of civilians, efforts are usually taken to cover them up. Sometimes the rightfully accused get off on ridiculous sentences that no way match the nature of their crime. Admitting that those made out to be saviours, protectors, or men above the law can be just as fickle and evil as the rest of us is hard, and in a way contradictory. Still, it must be done.